Thursday, November 29, 2012

How to send smtp mail with attachment using CSharp ( c#)

In this post we going to see how to add a attachment in SMTP mail using CSharp code. A simple csharp code is shown below
 public void SendMail()  
     string fromMail = "ENTER FROM MAIL ADDRESS";  
     string toMail= "ENTER TO MAIL ADDRESS";  
     string smtpServer="ENTER SMTP SERVER ADDRESS HERE";  
     string subject="ENTER SUBJECT HERE";  
     string bodyMessage="ENTER BODY MESSAGE HERE";  
     string password="ENTER YOUR PASSWORD HERE";  
     MailMessage MyMailMessage = new MailMessage();  
     MyMailMessage.From = new MailAddress(fromMail );  
     MyMailMessage.Subject = subject;  
     MyMailMessage.Body = bodyMessage;  
     MyMailMessage.IsBodyHtml = false;  
     OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();  
     Attachment attachment = new Attachment(ofd.FileName);  
     SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(smtpServer);  
     client.Port = 25;  
     client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(fromMail , password);  
     client.EnableSsl = true;  
   catch (Exception ex)  
     throw ex;  
In the above code i have used OpenFileDialog to let the user to select the attachment to send through mail. Note: You have to add System.Net.Mail namespace to make this code work.

How to send mail using CSharp ( c# ) code

In this post we going to see how to send a SMTP mail using CSharp code. A simple csharp code is shown below
 public void SendMail()  
     string fromMail = "ENTER FROM MAIL ADDRESS";  
     string toMail= "ENTER TO MAIL ADDRESS";  
     string smtpServer="ENTER SMTP SERVER ADDRESS HERE";  
     string subject="ENTER SUBJECT HERE";  
     string bodyMessage="ENTER BODY MESSAGE HERE";  
     string password="ENTER YOUR PASSWORD HERE";  
     MailMessage MyMailMessage = new MailMessage();  
     MyMailMessage.From = new MailAddress(fromMail );  
     MyMailMessage.Subject = subject;  
     MyMailMessage.Body = bodyMessage;  
     MyMailMessage.IsBodyHtml = false;  
     SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(smtpServer);  
     client.Port = 25;  
     client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(fromMail , password);  
     client.EnableSsl = true;  
   catch (Exception ex)  
     throw ex;  
if you want to send mail using Gmail SMTP use the SMTP Server and the port should be 25.

Note: You have to add System.Net.Mail namespace to make this code work.